Interdisciplinary Project

SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015

This school year  we are going to work on a very interesting topic: Responsible consumption. To warm up, you will have to make a research in the web. In groups of three you will prepare a Powerpoint presentation which must include some definitions: Responsible consumption, Sustainability, Fair trade, Ecological products, the three R's of the environment, Renewable energies, Developing countries. The definitions must be written in simple English and you must add an image for each one. Let's start! 


Here you are a selection of interesting videos about consumerism, fair trade, responsible consumption:

El ultimátum evolutivo: This is a very interesting short film which makes us aware of many actions we do in our everyday lifes which are really damaging our planet, and it also tells us how we should change our behaviour to get to a sustainable lifestyle. The only bad thing about it is that it is not in English! Sorry about that!

Fair trade: In this video they explain us how commercial relationships are not always fair with producers, and how a new movement was born in order to protect their rights.

Man by Steve Cutts: In this video the human being is shown as a compulsive predator of natural resources, and it also gives us a really negative (but not so unrealistic) vision of our future.

Consumerism: This is a video which shows the consequences of uncontrolled consumerism in the world, focusing on the big differences between developed and developing countries.

The story of stuff: This is a very instructive documentary about the lifecycle of material goods.


Click here to find an interesting document about changes on the environment. At the end there is a multiple choice test to check if you have paid attention. Remember to activate the subtitles!



In groups of 3 try to analyse the human impact on the environment. To do that you will watch again the video Man by Steve Cutts and you will have to give a name to all the actions this man does which have a big impact on the nature.


Buscad, en los medios de comunicación y en internet, información sobre la situación de los derechos sociales: buscad noticias y artículos que traten sobre la lucha por su defensa y otros que traten sobre situaciones de vulneración. 

Traedlos la semana próxima.


After watching the documentary "Comprar, tirar, comprar", we are going to start a new project: in groups of three you are going to summarize what you have learnt about responsible consumption in at least ten slogans. For that, you are going to do a powerpoint presentation, and slogans must include images which support the message.

SCHOOL YEAR 2013-2014

Empezamos este curso impartiendo esta materia en inglés, y para ello escogí el tema de la Dieta Atlántica, ya que nos anima a conocer otros países del Arco Atlántico y también a valorar nuestra cultura gastronómica. Además, este tema nos sirve para promover hábitos de vida saludables, ya que está demostrado que este tipo de dieta junto con ejercicio físico moderado aumenta la calidad de vida.

Dieta Atlántica

The Atlantic Diet Foundation and the Galician Association for the Atlantic Diet Studies are trying to prove that the benefits of this diet are higher than the Mediterranean one. They say that the rate of centenarian people is 300% of that of some Mediterranean regions. It is supposed to be because their olive oil, vegetables, fruits and fish intakes are also higher than in those other regions.
Atlantic Diet Decalogue:
  1. Eat lots of fish (sea and river) and shellfish (mollusks and crustaceans), which constitute the vast natural reserves of the Atlantic current.
  2. Eat plenty of plant foods: cereals, potatoes and vegetables.
  3. Try to have a high consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  4. Use olive oil as the main cooking fat, especially as oil dressing.
  5. Consume dairy products daily.
  6. Meat consumption is important and should be done in moderation.
  7. It is recommended fluid intake, drinking water as priority of excellence. The wine must be taken through moderate consumption, responsibly, intelligently and accompanied with food.
  8. Prepare the food in the easiest way, in order to maintain the quality of the ingredients and their nutritional value.
  9. Keep to the Atlantic traditional eating habits. Learn to eat and to enjoy it.
  10. Do physical activity or exercise every day. It is as important as what you eat.


Here you are the link for the didactic unit HEALTHY EATING that we worked in class. Go and practise at home.
Aquí tenéis el enlace para la unidad didáctica HEALTHY EATING que trabajamos en clase. Id y practicad en casa.

In Interdisciplinary project, students will have to think up a balanced menu inspired by the Atlantic diet. Before starting to do it, let's have a look at this webpage where you can find lots of information about food, healthy eating, recipes, etc.

In pairs you will have to think up a balanced menu for a whole day inspired by the Atlantic diet.

You must start with a good breakfast, then think about a healthy snack for the midday break, continue with a balanced lunch, don’t forget the afternoon snack and finish with a light dinner.

Remember to include the drinks.

Of course you must write the recipes of the meals,  including the ingredients and the preparation (this part can be done in Spanish).

You will have to talk about your menu in the class, so use the PowerPoint programme and present your project in a pendrive so that we can use the digital whiteboard. This way we won’t miss a thing.


Going on with the topic of the Atlantic diet, we'll make a research about some of the countries in Atlantic Europe: Portugal, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Netherlands. You'll work in groups of three people, and you will use a Powerpoint or Open Office presentation. You'll choose a country and you will have to talk about its geography, its history, its economy and its gastronomy. You'll have three sessions to complete the project.


We are proud of our Atlantic Diet and we want everybody to know about it. That's why we are going to create a poster which will show the advantages of this diet to encourage people to follow it. We'll go to the computers room and we'll use the online image editors FotoFlexer or piZap.The best posters will be uploaded to the blog and some of them will be printed and sticked on the school walls so that all the students can see them.

And to finish this school year, we are going to compile the best fish recipes. You must ask your family about  the best fish dishes they've ever tried, and then you will have to start a research and find the recipe. It must be written in English and have this structure: a list of the ingredients and then the preparation explained in the most simple way. You must also find a picture of the dish.  

SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013


The last project will consist of giving some suggestions to our local representatives to promote responsible consumption in our town. Do you dare? Of course. We have got very good ideas and we should share them.

Estas son as vosas propostas, que xa foron enviadas ao concello. Feliz verán!
  • Aforrar electricidade e enerxía en xeral fomentando o uso de bombillas de baixo consumo, a instalación de placas solares, o uso de enerxía eólica...
  • Reducir a velocidade permitida en zonas urbanas, para contaminar menos, e poñer rotondas en lugar de semáforos para aforrar enerxía
  • Coidar as praias e os seus accesos, non só no verán
  • Preservar os espazos naturais, reforestando as áreas que o precisen, e limpando a maleza periodicamente para previr os incendios forestais
  • Organizar campañas e obradoiros para mentalizar aos cidadáns da importancia de coidar a contorna
  • Construir un párking subterráneo para evitar que a xente aparque onde non debe
  • Habilitar os espazos de recreo para as persoas discapacitadas, así como mellorar os accesos en xeral
  • Coidar a nosa ría para manter a riqueza natural
  • Coidar a auga, utilizando a xusta, usando sistemas modernos de rego, aproveitando a auga da chuvia
  • Fomentar o uso do transporte público abaratando os prezos, e renovar os vellos autobuses para que contaminen menos, cambiándoos por vehículos eléctricos
  • Manter as rúas limpas, poñendo máis papeleiras e penalizando aos cidadáns que tiren lixo ao chan, incluíndo chicles e cabichas, aos donos de cans que non recollen os excrementos, e tamén ás persoas que non depositen o lixo nos contenedores adecuados en bolsas pechadas e dentro do contenedor.
  • Fomentar a reciclaxe e a reutilización dos materiais, organizando obradoiros nos que a xente aprenda a separar os desfeitos e a crear produtos novos a partires de obxectos que xa non lles serven
  • Habilitar máis puntos limpos e informar ben aos cidadáns por medio de campañas vistosas
  • Reducir o consumo animando á xente a reparar as cousas
  • Fomentar o consumo local ofrecendo máis produtos ecolóxicos e de comercio xusto
  • Reducir o uso das bolsas de plástico fomentando e premiando o uso de bolsas reutilizables e tuppers
  • Fomentar o cultivo de plantas autóctonas e reducir ao máximo o uso de produtos químicos nas hortas
  • Habilitar un espazo para cans e mascotas en xeral
  • Organizar actividades para os mozos, como obradoiros, concertos..., e para os xubilados
  • Limitar na medida do posible os efectos da contaminación producida pola fábrica de celulosas, esixíndolles máis controis
  • Reducir o uso do coche no centro e fomentar o uso da bicicleta, creando para elo máis km de carril bici. Tamén habilitar máis rutas para camiñar e andar en bici ben sinalizadas, para facer exercicio e disfrutar da natureza
  • Xestionar os alimentos que sobran nos supermercados, no mercado ou nos restaurantes para donalos e distribuílos entre as persoas que o necesiten
  • Protexer a fauna
  • Habilitar máis espazos para actividades deportivas


To make our messages more effective, we are going to use attractive images. We'll go to the computers room and we'll use the online image editors FotoFlexer or piZap to create a poster containing a message about sustainability and responsible consumption.The best posters will be uploaded to the blog and some of them will be printed and sticked on the school walls so that all the students can see them.

To start with the task for the second term, we are going to watch a video about how the food system must change in order to get a fairer world where everybody has enough to eat.

After introducing the second phase of the project, we'll go to the computers room so that you can use a new tool online which will help you to know if your diet is healthy enough. Click here.

We have just started a new school year, and we have got a lot of energy and enthusiasm, haven´t you? Well, let's devote some of this energy to save our planet. This seems to be very difficult, but we can do it, "kids can" as it is said in this video clip. We'll start with small actions, like changing a little our lifestyles to sustainable consumption. To do this we'll work on a very interesting site where there are lots of ideas and information about what other kids are doing all over the world.

El ultimátum evolutivo: This is a very interesting short film which makes us aware of many actions we do in our everyday lifes which are really damaging our planet, and it also tells us how we should change our behaviour to get to a sustainable lifestyle. The only bad thing about it is that it is not in English! Sorry about that!

Fair trade: This is a site where you can find information about fair trade (comercio justo). It's in Spanish.

Consumerism: This is a video which shows the consequences of uncontrolled consumerism in the world, focusing on the big differences between developed and developing countries.


For the first term we will start with something quite simple and general. In pairs you will have to create a decalogue for sustainable lifestyles, what is to say, you must write ten things that we should do if we want to have a sustainable lifestyle. As we are talking about actions, you must start each sentence with a verb (see the Atlantic Diet Decalogue below).You must do a powerpoint presentation: use a page for each action or tip and add at least one image. I will give you two lessons to look for information and images in the Internet (you can go to the sites yo have got above). Remember to make it attractive, so that you can persuade people to change some bad habits. Don't forget that it must be in English!

Como observé que algunos de vosotros estabais un poco despistados en cuanto a lo que teníais que hacer, os lo explico en español. Debéis elaborar un decálogo para un estilo de vida sostenible, es decir, tenéis que escribir diez cosas que se deben hacer para satisfacer nuestras necesidades básicas de consumo respetando el medioambiente y colaborando para acabar con las desigualdades en el mundo.



1. ¿Dónde se produce y cómo llega hasta nosotros?
2. ¿Su producción, transporte, venta o consumo puede generar algunas consecuencias negativas sobre el medio ambiente?
3. ¿Su producción implica algunas consecuencias o condiciones negativas para las personas que lo producen?
4. ¿Existen alternativas más justas y sostenibles de producción y venta?

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